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Broward County Bar Association | Phone: (954) 764-8040
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Young Lawyers Section Committees


Don’t just be a member, be an active member!  Below is a list of our Sections and Committees.  We’d love to see our YLS membership join at least one of the Committees below and have a more active role in the Young Lawyers Section.

It’s as simple as 1-2-3! 

  1. Decide to GET INVOLVED! A listing of Committees and their descriptions is below.
  2. Login and select the committee in your BCBA Membership profile HERE or contact Lindsay M. Massillon for more information via [email protected]
  3. Spread the Word!

I. Special Events

a. Golf Tournament  This is a charity golf tournament that we host in the fall of each year. We also host a golf tournament happy hour the week before the event. This is our biggest event of the year. Committee members will be responsible for enlisting sponsorship’s and foursomes to play in the Tournament; organizing the Tournament and Tee Off Happy Hour; and promoting the event. This year’s 2019 Walter G. “Skip” Campbell, Jr. Memorial Charity Golf Tournament is on 11/9/19; our Tee Off Happy Hour is on 11/7/19.

b. Judicial Reception YLS hosts a cocktail reception for all the members of the judiciary and the public. A tremendous amount of money needs to be raised for this event.  This is our signature event which raises money for YLS. Committee members will be responsible for obtaining sponsorship’s and organizing and promoting this event.

II. Socials and Education

a. Law-LaPalooza an unprecedented event designed for the entire membership of the YLS to spend a productive day together attending focused customizable tracks targeted to all practice areas from real estate to criminal law, for both litigators and transactional attorneys.  Committee members are responsible for arranging the Law-LaPalooza sessions; enlisting speakers for each session; and promoting the event.

b. Luncheons Every month between August and May, YLS holds a luncheon on different issues, featuring esteemed attorneys and judges on topics relevant to our members. Committee members are responsible for coordinating speakers for the luncheons, coming up with topics, and promoting the luncheons.

c. Breakfast with Judiciary Four times per year, YLS holds a Friday morning breakfast buffet with Broward County’s judiciary. Committee members are responsible for coordinating the breakfasts and promoting the breakfasts.

d. Socials This committee is responsible for planning all of our social events. Traditionally the events have consisted of happy hour events, however the committee should feel free to expand socials to other creative activities designed to promote community and networking (e.g. Sweatworking Events).  We often partner with other professional organizations for our Happy Hours. Happy hours sometimes have a charitable beneficiary.

III. Outreach

a. Community Outreach This committee is responsible for acting as a liaison between YLS, the BCBA, 17th Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Committees, Legal Aid, local law schools, and other community/volunteer related organizations (such as Habitat for Humanity). Committee members are responsible for pro bono and volunteer initiatives as well as finding ways to work with local law schools.

b. Holiday in February  This is an annual charity event in which we invite local foster care/underprivileged children to the Museum of Science and Discovery for a day of fun and celebration.  We do arts and crafts projects, sing holiday carols, and have a face painter followed by a visit from Santa. Committee members are responsible for coordinating this event as well as the toy drive at the BCBA holiday party in December and a gift wrapping party.

c. Read for the Record/Lawyers for Literacy  Our Read for the Record/Lawyers for Literacy campaign focuses on enlisting volunteers to read to local elementary schools and also helps arrange a book drive so that books can be handed out to each child to keep. This year, we will also be implementing a Poetry Slam with local public schools which committee members will be responsible for coordinating. 

d. Publicity Our publicity committee is responsible for promoting YLS events and running our YLS social media accounts. The publicity committee is also for ensuring photos are taken at each YLS event and post-event publicity.