On February 16, 2016, tech giant, Apple Inc., released a public statement in response to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s request that Apple create a “backdoor” to its iOS. As we all know, Apple is one of the most innovative companies when it comes to modern technology, specifically iPhone, Apple’s most sought after device. Apple...Read More
JUDICIAL NOMINATING COMMISSION Seventeenth Judicial Circuit JNC COMMISSIONERS Sidney C. Calloway Belinda M. Keiser David Keller, Vice Chair B. Russell Marcus William G. McCormick Terrence P. O’Connor Kevin P. Tynan Levi Williams Reggie P. Zachariah, Jr., Chair NOTICE OF JUDICIAL VACANCIES-INSTRUCTIONS As a result of the resignation of Broward County Judge Eric Marc Beller, there...Read More
Lawyers and law firms handle a treasure trove of sensitive data, including data on their client’s intellectual property, personal information on employees, and health or financial data of parties involved in litigation. If that data gets into the wrong hands, either by way of a malicious attacker or a careless employee, law firms need to...Read More
The United States District Court’s Southern District of Florida’s new filing requirements for Civil Sealed and Ex Parte, Emergencies, Pro Hac Vice Motions, and Arrests in Rem are effective as of December 1, 2015. These new filing requirements will be extremely helpful. [The complete Local Rules revisions can be found at http://www.flsd.uscourts.&ov /?pa&e id=12074.] The...Read More
Technology and security precautions can be daunting for a newly formed law firm. Although the Florida bar has not yet sanctioned an attorney for their failure to secure client information in the Cloud, it is only a matter of time. Companies such as Clio and Mycase provide comprehensive solutions that include cloud storage, scheduling, and...Read More